March 31, 2025
Immigration DeSantis Flights

A woman, who is part of a group of immigrants that had just arrived, holds a child as they are fed outside St. Andrews Episcopal Church, Wednesday Sept. 14, 2022, in Edgartown, Mass., on Martha's Vineyard. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday flew two planes of immigrants to Martha's Vineyard, escalating a tactic by Republican governors to draw attention to what they consider to be the Biden administration's failed border policies. (Ray Ewing/Vineyard Gazette via AP)

Roughly a month ago, the governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, decided to make a point about sanctuary cities. Cities that pride themselves on being open and caring for undocumented immigrants. Now the point Desantis, Abbott, and other conservative politicians were trying to make is that these cities are all talk and would, in reality, turn away immigrants at their door. So these governors had begun bussing undocumented immigrants to blue states to make this point.
All done to attack Joe Biden, whom they feel only cares about immigration when it happens in blue states. Weirdly enough, it isn’t even happening in Florida, which is why DeSantis had to kidnap them from Texas. In a press conference, DeSantis stated he was perplexed over Biden scrambling for his cabinet to do something about the immigrants in sanctuary cities as if the DHS hadn’t been moving immigrants to LA in an organized and legal fashion under the order of Biden. But this article isn’t about immigration policy and how our system is broken. Today’s article is about the cruelest, most asinine political stunt in recent history.
Martha’s Vineyard is a high-income, predominately white community in Massachusetts. Those wealthy residents watched as two planes deboard 50 undocumented immigrants onto this Wes Anderson movie set of a town, all paid for by Florida’s taxpayers. That’s right; the money came from the state funds, all 615k. Not only did the small-town residents not know they were coming, but the immigrants also admitted to not knowing where they were. Later interviews found out that initially, these Venezuelans were approached outside a shelter in Texas by a woman who went by “Perla.” “Perla” promised them that they would be sent to Boston or other cities in Massachusetts and given work permits, English lessons, and 90 days of support. They were told to sign a liability waiver and were soon sent to the small New England community. But the cruelties didn’t stop there; it was later discovered that these specific immigrants weren’t just abandoned but given purposefully lousy information to make them fail. To add insult to injury, these immigrants also had meetings with ICE, not at Martha’s Vineyard or even Boston but all around the country, including Florida and Washington. To even have a shot at making said meetings, they would’ve had to leave almost immediately. But what is incredibly clear here is that these people, fellow humans, were purposefully sabotaged.
Mind you; the Biden administration is busing immigrants to inner parts of the country, ironically called the Abbott Plan, in an organized and legal way. This situation would’ve been avoided if these immigrants had been properly sent to Boston to be put in the system, it wouldn’t have even made the news. The whole point was to make this viral. The island of the Vineyard doesn’t even have the proper infrastructure for taking in migrants, not because they are rich, snooty liberals, but because it is a vacation town—an island of barely over 100 square miles and no bridge to the mainland.
This plan absolutely backfired as the rich white liberals didn’t turn these immigrants away; they accepted them and set up emergency shelters for dozens of undocumented immigrants.