ON THE RISE 📈: Redveil

Maryland native, Redveil, has been making waves the past few months in the avant-garde wave of hip-hop. At only 17 years old, northeastern-based Marcus Morton has sold out his first show just this past January at Baby’s All Right in Brooklyn.
The avant-garde jazz-rap wave, popularized by artists like Earl Sweatshirt of the Odd Future group, features beats with samples of different genres of jazz chopped and mixed. The sounds are usually eerie and dark, but at some points poignant.
Morton not only writes and sings his own lyrics but produces his own beats. His most popular song by far, “Weight,” is so far the masterpiece of his abilities. This is the song that first got me hooked into his music. The sample in question is a song from a compilation record from back in 2012, “I Really Really Love You” by the group Father’s Children. Using the soulful opening harmonies as well as some of the first verse, chopping it up and adding some effects, and repeating it throughout, it very much exemplifies his production. The lyrics paint a picture of his upcoming work and demonstrate the work ethic that got him to where he is today, which is generally the topic of this genre’s songs.
Sample selection is arguably an art form in itself, and think that Redveil’s ability is something special. I recommend listening to his new single “04” and his sophomore album “Niagara” featuring some of my personal favorites like his most popular piece “Weight,” as well as opening track “Campbell” and “Drown”.
Not yet a master at his craft, he is showing some promising talent. Give him a year or two to really find exactly what he wants to do with his music and work on some more collaborations, and he’ll be at the top of his genre.