January 22, 2025

George Santos Under Heavy Scrutiny After Falsifying His Background


George Santos, a republican representative of New York’s 3rd congressional district, has been exposed for falsities in his resume by the New York Times. Santos had recently won against Robert Zimmerman in the bid for representative, but at what cost? The voters had been fed lies upon lies about his background and qualifications. “The embodiment of the American dream,” he once compared himself to, but the life he sold to the public was pure fiction.

George Santos was born to Brazilian immigrants and is known as the first Republican that has won a House seat while openly being a member of the LGBTQ community. His biography remains true at that point, but discrepancies appear as he discusses the rest of his background. George Santos had led everyone to believe that he attended Horace Mann for his high school diploma, a distinguished private school. However, there is no evidence that he even stepped foot there. Santos was considered a Baruch College alumnus with a degree in economics and finance, but that was yet another lie. Baruch records show there was never a student with his name in the graduating class of 2010, let alone being in the top 1 percent, as Santos had embellished.

The lies don’t stop here, though. Employment at Wall Street? Zero evidence despite his campaign bio stating it. The question remains, where did his money come from? Although George Santos defended his wealth by saying he had earned legal million-dollar contracts, Santos has been exaggerating and falsifying the majority of his identity, so who knows what is true? Santos is also known for having a business relationship with a money handler for an infamous Russian oligarch. The legitimacy of his wealth will remain under scrutiny until proven otherwise.

George Santos has been caught in his web of lies. Investigations are ongoing to discover the truth behind Santos’ finances and biography fabrications. Long Island GOP members demand his immediate resignation, but in a recent interview by the Post, Santos has no plans to give up his House seat willingly. While his deceit allowed him to win his election, Congress can’t do much about it currently. Under further inspection, Santos may become viable for forced resignation due to ethical investigations or unlawful campaign finances. Only time will tell, but what other skeletons could be hiding in Santos’ closet, waiting to be uncovered?