March 31, 2025

Resolutions: Don’t Bother!

The year is ending, and everyone’s looking forward to the 10-day holiday break. So what are your new year’s resolutions? Are you planning to make significant changes for the coming year? You may want to improve your health and appearance or spend more time with people you care about. 

Sophomore Rachel Yusupov says, “I make new year’s resolutions but never go through with them.” 

Many people who set their goals don’t achieve their plans for the year, and really, who can? You probably made your New year’s resolution, and you’re all fired up and excited, but that’s only for one day. After the new year passes, your resolution slowly slips your mind, and before you know it, it’s the next year already.

I don’t make resolutions because I won’t remember by the time January 1st comes. New year resolutions just come, so I don’t understand why people do them. They usually have the same goal every year because you never achieved them the previous year, and you’ll say, “this is the year where I go through with it!” but in the end, it’s forgotten about, and you’re probably too lazy to do it. Therefore, this New Year, all should be sure not to make resolutions as your setting your year for failure. Instead, enjoy the New Year, and enjoy every moment that presents itself.