‘Midnights’: Music to Empower You

Have you ever felt like your music empowers you and helps your soul? Midnights by Taylor Swift serves as an empowerment album, allowing those who have felt abandoned and isolated to have songs to relate to. Two songs that do a great job of providing others with lyrics to relate to are Anti-hero and Masterpiece. In the song Anti-hero, Swift states, “I am the problem, it is me,” meanwhile in Mastermind, Swift states, “No one wanted to play with me as a little kid/ So I’ve been scheming like a criminal ever since/ to make them love me and make it seem effortless.” Through these lyrics, people, especially teenagers, feel like they have lyrics that understand them, hearing their silent cries and complex emotions. One junior states that because of the lyrics depicted in Midnights, Midnights serves as a comforting and empowering album. Not only is Midnights an excellent album because it helps to empower and comfort others, but midnights is an excellent album due to its sounds. These sounds generate a vibe similar to Lover but more full sounding; sounds display earthy tones, as seen in Folklore, and comforting, as seen in Evermore. Another junior stated that because of the vibe generated by Midnights, Midnights has to be their favorite recent album by Swift. Because Midnights is highly empowering, comforting, and full-sounding, many feel that Midnights is their favorite album.
Due to Midnights being a fan-favorite, it has become the single-largest-selling vinyl album in a week since 1991, and it is the top-selling album of 2022 (Billboard). Once again, proving that if anyone can write a masterpiece, it is Taylor Swift.