January 22, 2025

In a world of innovation, technology that seemed new to us ten years ago is quickly becoming obsolete. Watching television is, and has been, a main pastime for many American families. Sitting down at a television show’s programmed time was the only way to catch the newest episode of a favorite show. Now, fast forward to 2013. There are endless possibilities to watching that one televsion show that you love. With Hulu, Netflix, DVR, illegal downloading and more, it’s impossible to fall completely behind on the stories of your favorite dramas, comedies, or reality shows. Christopher Knieste, a senior with many AP courses filling his schedule, has virtually no time for distractions, such as TV, during the week. “I mainly record shows and watch them when I have more time, like on the weekends,” Knieste commented. Many students with DVR or Tivo programs enjoy watching their shows on the actual TV, but on their own time and not on the show’s regular night.

Others, like junior Amanda Davis, prefer catching their shows on Internet sites, like Hulu. “[Hulu] has all of my shows on it. I watch a lot of Fox shows, like The Mindy Project, and ABC shows that are all on Hulu,” stated Davis. Watching on the computer may seem easy to some, but for others it becomes a distraction. Junior Amanda Troendle commented that watching shows on the computer makes her feel like she could be doing something more productive, like homework. “I rarely watch TV. I don’t follow any shows or anything like that. But when I do, I watch stuff on the actual TV as it is playing live,” commented Troendle, a rare find in this age of technology.

With all of these new modes of watching television, it is no wonder that some students find television shows to be the main thing distracting them from their studies. But even with watching television shows on the computer becoming increasingly more popular, a recent poll on the Hills West Roundup website shows that watching on the slightly bigger screen of a real television is still better. What do you think? Cast your vote today at https://hillswestroundup.com/archives/4498

Credit: Lexie Weber
Credit: Lexie Weber