February 23, 2025

Safe Halloween – A Trick or a Treat?


As Halloween approaches and kids and teenagers alike get ready to celebrate the holiday where free candy and compliments about your costume are given, an important question rises up from the grave for both parents and teens – How can we stay safe this Halloween?

Halloween is a holiday celebrated nationwide where kids can dress up, parties are thrown, as well as the only day accepting candy from strangers is acceptable. Usually, the candy is safe to eat, the giver is a kind person who bids them a “Happy Halloween!” and all is well and good, but there are cases popping up all over the United States about razors hidden in candy, candy-shaped drugs, and even in some extreme cases, kidnappings and murders. It’s the worst nightmare for any parent – to have something so fun and innocent and turning it into a literal fright. With reports that Halloween is becoming more and more dangerous, many parents are tempted to only allow their kids to trick-or-treat around the block, or just to stay inside completely. However, it just kills the festive and happy mood, something that is frowned upon to families of all. Luckily, a solution had been revealed when the Half Hollow Hills District announced they would be hosting Safe Halloweens from then on.

Safe Halloween is an event hosted at High School East where children can safely participate in fun events, all with trusted adult supervision. Students in various clubs will also be volunteering for the school-hosted event, a great opportunity to get service hours. “Safe Halloween is a good alternative than going out on the streets and going house to house for candy.” Sophomore and Tri-M member, Sara Ju, stated. “It’s safe and it’s fun,” Casey Chung, a student volunteer from High School East assured, “..And it allows each club to specialize and have their own theme.” But can it really be that fun? There are mixed responses between students. Sky Lee, another sophomore and Tri-M member defends Safe Halloween by giving in his input. “Safe Halloween can be more fun than going around the block because there are games as well, not just trick-or-treating.” Another student who wishes to remain anonymous thinks otherwise. “The fun of Halloween for kids is to walk around and hang out with friends. While you can do that at Safe Halloween, you don’t really get the same vibe.”

But Safe Halloween is for children – what about the teens who are still looking for a bit of fun? We have some basic tips to having a safe halloween without ruining the thrill.

People love to trick-or-treat but if the candy looks tampered, suspicious, or something along those lines, toss it. The saying “better safe than sorry” has saved many children and teens from what could’ve had a bad outcome. Some people decide that Halloween is the best time to pull a little prank like throwing eggs but it’s best to leave this old-fashioned joke behind. Throwing eggs has gotten many teens fined and even jailed, depending on the severity of an injury or the destruction of property. Others decide staying home and handing out candy is their forte since it’s at home, where you’re safe and comfortable. However, there are instances where people have been robbed and even killed after opening their doors for trick-or-treaters late at night. Our advice? Stop answering all doors by 8:00PM. Most kids have gone in for the night and the percentage of dangerous events occurring increase after each passing hour. There are many other tips and tricks to keep safe, most of which can be found online. Remember, stay safe, travel in groups, and have an amazing Halloween.