January 22, 2025

Meghan Trainor Says “No” To Being Photoshopped

Photo Credit: www.thebeat104.com
Photo Credit: www.thebeat104.com

Meghan Trainor, the singer of the popular hits “All About That Bass” and “NO”, withdrew her one of her music videoes due to absurd amount of photo-retouching. The video in question was the music video of her new single, “Me Too”, which is featured as part of her album, Thank You.  After releasing her anticipated video, Trainor reportedly saw pictures of her waist on Twitter. Initially, she believed that her own fans were altering pictures of her until she took another look at her music video. After closely watching her video for a second time, Trainor realized that her waist looked smaller than those of the dancers’.

The murkiness surrounding the change in her waist momentarily confused Trainor but she felt that it was imperative to take the video down. In an interview with Good Morning America, she explained that she told the head of Vevo, ‘Take it down, that’s not me.” On May 10th, she sent out a tweet announcing the release of the new, untouched video stating, “The real #metoo video is finally up! Missed that bass. Thank you everyone for the support”. Fans are applauding her choice to be honest about her body. “I think it’s really amazing that celebrities are publically loving their bodies and owning who they are to set a good example for the youth to follow”, says Junior Karishma Malholtra.

Meghan Trainor’s inspiring music promotes being confident in one’s own body type, regardless of what others think. The decision to instinctively create unrealistic body types by the music industry illustrates how destructive it can be to young viewers. Although most youngsters are well informed of the way pop culture dictates the “look” of a celebrity by embellishing, it is still difficult to remind themselves that stars like Taylor Swift, Khloe Kardashian and Kerry Washington don’t actually have perfect skin or bodies when they see them. However, Trainor’s empowering message of self-confidence can remind everyone that celebrities have the authority to say no when it comes to creating a specific “ideal body”.