January 22, 2025

“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” is a Force to Be Reckoned With

The exploration of the galaxy in Star Wars never seems to end, fortunately for fans of the popular series. The films first emerged in 1977, and have been building upon the main plot and preternatural characters ever since.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org

The new addition, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, can be considered an early Christmas present; it comes to theaters starting on December 18th. Tickets to see another showdown between the Jedi and the Empire, set 30 years after The Return Of the Jedi, sold out faster than R2-D2 can turn his robotic head. The competition to pre-order the tickets was so intense that Fandango crashed shortly after the release of the trailer.

Despite the anticipation for the upcoming movie, fans of the series were worried about Luke Skywalker. The heroic protagonist was nowhere to be seen in the trailer, which included iconic characters like Chewbacca. Because of this, many created and shared theories on Skywalker’s uncanny absence. JJ Abrams, the director, explained that it was “no accident,” but refused to elaborate. This indicates that it is possibly a ploy to gain publicity for the premiere of the movie. Another one of the worries of devoted fans’ is that the film series will take a different route. George Lucas, the mastermind of the Star Wars series, sold Disney the movie franchise in 2012. This is the first film since that transaction, making fans more anxious to see how Disney will expand on the story. In an interview with Stephen Colbert on Tribeca Talks, Lucas admitted that he is not part of the upcoming film and that they [JJ Abrams and Disney] “have taken it in a different direction… and I have no idea what they are doing”. Some are skeptical that he is as excluded from the film as he said he was, but are still afraid that it won’t have the same spark it used to.

Although Abrams is extremely quiet about the complete plot of the upcoming film, he did explain that all of the original actors would return as their characters and new characters would also be added. In the trailer, a wicked, mysterious figure antagonist who says, “Nothing will stand in my way. I will finish what you started,” is introduced.

The series has crossed through many generations. “The fact that it has decades of success in entertainment gives it the ability to carry weight,” said Mr. Ferretti, a loyal fan, “It has a name for itself so when people talk about it, it has an epic feel to it. The storyline of good versus evil has obviously been done before in entertainment, but they don’t have the following.”

Star Wars is a film series that is unrivaled by any other; its success has spanned over three decades and has attracted fans, whether they just saw the recent films or have watched it from the beginning, from all over the world. Star Wars: The Force Awakens has the ability to break records box office and simultaneously build its already large fan base.