February 23, 2025

Fitnessgram Week Arrives At Hills West

Photo Credit: www.fitnessgram.net
Photo Credit: www.fitnessgram.net

During the week of March 10, students will undergo the Fitnessgram in their physical education classes. The Fitnessgram provides an accurate assessment that is specified according to each student’s age, gender, and level of health-related fitness. “Students are required to participate in the Fitnessgram so that we can assess their physical fitness and physical activity,” says physical education teacher Ms. DiPietro.

The Fitnessgram consists of five parts: the sit-and-reach, trunk lift, crunches, pushups, and of course, the infamous pacer. Each portion is accompanied by a standard number that students must meet or exceed in order to pass. Students are required to pass three out of the five parts. “The Fitnessgram does count toward as a grade to ensure that students try their best,” adds DiPietro.

Students here at Hills West have mixed opinions toward the Fitnessgram. Junior Darci Morello says, “Personally, I don’t mind the Fitnessgram; however, I don’t think it’s a good measure of how fit kids are. Most kids find ways to cheat the tests.” Junior Gene Chen says, “The test has no effect on the kids. Failing it doesn’t make students want to change their lifestyles, it just gives them a bad grade.”

Good luck to all students taking the Fitnessgram this week, especially on the pacer test.