January 22, 2025

Happy National Poetry Month 2013: Poem in Your Pocket Day!


Started in 1996, National Poetry Month takes place every April.  Schools, libraries, poets, and students come together to celebrate poetry and its role in American culture, both throughout history and to this very day.

Most recently, students at West participated in Poem in Your Pocket Day on Thursday, April 18th.  English teacher Mr. Riccuiti encouraged participation by printing out several different poems printed on paper small enough to fit in a pocket.  The goal was to conveniently carry the poem throughout the day and share it with others.  “I think it’s a great thing that our school takes the time to embrace the English language and expose us to how other people see the world [through poetry],” commented senior Justin Goldman.

You can celebrate National Poetry Month by signing up to receive a Poem-A-Day in your email.  Click the following link to do so: http://www.poets.org/poemADay.php?utm_source=April%3A+Letters%2FNPM+Update&utm_campaign=april_update&utm_medium=email.

Or you can try one of the thirty ways to celebrate the month by looking at the following link: http://www.poets.org/page.php/prmID/94?utm_source=April%3A+Letters%2FNPM+Update&utm_campaign=april_update&utm_medium=email.