January 22, 2025

The New York State School Music Association (NYSSMA) is something most music students have heard of regardless of instrument. This association’s goal is to help advance music education in the state of New York. They are most noted for their annual music festival.

It is made up of 6 different levels, each getting harder as you go up. You are expected to perform a set of scales and sight-read a piece you have never seen before. This event tests different skills in music that you will need for the real world. This event can be stressful for some musicians and takes a lot of time and practice to perfect their pieces.

This year’s piano NYSSMA festival is being held from March 9th to March 10th. Many students at High School West partake in this event, including freshman Craig Eng. Craig Eng has been playing piano since he was young, and has been participating in NYSSMA for about 5 years! He started practicing his piece last December and feels as though he is not prepared since the piano NYSSMA festival is very early this year. Craig explained how draining this process is due to how much time and effort has been put into practicing his piece.

Yet while it may seem far away to some students, the other festival will be held from May 6th to May 7th at Hills West. That upcoming festival will involve practically every other instrument; which will involve students from chorus, band, and orchestra. 

However, we wish everyone partaking in this year’s piano NYSSMA festival the best of luck!