January 22, 2025

Peer AIDS Educators Work to Raise Awareness about AIDS


This past Monday, December 1st, also known as World AIDS Day, the Peer Aids Educators went to the Social Studies classes of the day in order to educate the ninth-graders about the danger of AIDS, and to educate the students of how AIDS is transmitted and how it spreads.

The seminar also leaves time for students to ask any questions they have regarding the topic with no judgement. These admirable students worked tirelessly to spread awareness as they do every year.

Trained club members taught the ninth-graders about the harmful affects of HIV and AIDS. They played games and taught them about absistence and why they should remain abstinent.

Senior and co-President Christina Hartnett spoke about the experience. “World AIDS Day is the most important thing our club does. We try to protect and teach the ninth graders to not be naive because this disease can affect anyone and everyone in different ways.” Hartnett explained that the day is very important to her because “this is the reason [they] do the club, to help [educate] the younger generations.”