January 22, 2025

Among the abundance of already existing clubs and organizations here in High School West, a new club has emerged. Physics Club,  a student-created club, provides students who are interested in physics with an atmosphere to explore any questions they might have in a scientific environment. The club was created by Seniors, Joe Anderson and Jack Zogheb.

When asked about the creation of the club, Jack Zogheb responded, “I came to Joe with the idea in late September and we immediately went to work on it talking to administrators and working out details with Mr. Bartolotta. We started it because we knew how awesome the fun aspects of physics class were and we wanted to create an environment that focuses on that kind of casual creative atmosphere. As we brainstormed on it, we found that we had a ton of ideas for it, and it just kind of snowballed from there. What’s beautiful about the Physics Club is that it is almost entirely student run and it pushes people into situations where they are working with their colleagues and enjoying the hell out of it. We race hovercrafts, we shoot marbles, we learn magic tricks. If all goes as planned, every meeting will be something that everyone looks forward to and remembers fondly.”

Led by Mr. Bartolotta, the club meets every other Wednesday in room 210. “I’m very excited about this club”, said Mr. Bartolotta. “I think it will help students with an interest in science develop an enthusiasm for physics.”

So if you have an interest in physics, stop by room 210 and see what you could learn!