March 9, 2025

Stephen Imburgia and Brooke Camarda

Brooke Camarda and Stephen Imburgia:
This real-life couple worked tirelessly to make this homecoming the best we’ve seen, and they have succeeded! Although they also had the responsibility of building the float and making the banner, because they are both on student government, Brooke and Stephen rose to the challenge and showed off their dancing talents the night of Pep Rally. Dancing to “Anaconda” and “Party in the USA,” Brooke and Stephen were not only aiming for perfection; but for fun as well. Brooke’s rendition of Nicki Manaj brought the crowd to their feet; especially when she started twerking, while Stephen had his moment to shine when he ripped off his pants to reveal his patriotic wardrobe underneath. Brooke and Stephen were nothing but smiles throughout each event!

Q: As Student Government President, has preparing for the court been stressful?
A: Brooke will kill me for saying this but (personally) it was basically all stress until the float was finished recently because we were pretty behind trying to make it perfect and there didn’t seem to be enough time in the day to finish that and make time to work on the court.
Q:When did it become exciting?
A: It became real and exciting when I got my tux for Saturday and my props for our pep rally skit.
Q: What was the best experience you had during the court?
A: Oh, hands down the skit, especially ripping off my pants in front of the school and preparing for the dance itself. Like, choreographing and practicing for it and ordering ridiculous costumes was so much fun.

Q: What was your most memorable moment of homecoming?
A: There’s quite literally nothing that wasn’t memorable about this year’s homecoming. The memory that probably sticks out in my mind the most is performing our skit the night of pep rally. Everyone was so unfathomably excited about the competitions that had already taken place, but then upon ridiculously dancing (and twerking) in front of the entire school, the astronomical amount of cheers and applauds that swept across the entire gym was even more unbelievable. The experience really was surreal, and I distinctly remember not being able to stop smiling the entire time because of how much fun I was having with the rest of my group. It wasn’t until afterwards that I realized (in addition to the rest of my family) my aunt flew in from South Carolina and my cousin took a bus, a train, and a car from Delaware, just to see me perform in the skit and ride around in the parade the following day; overall, nothing made the entire experience more incredible than knowing that.
Q: What were you most nervous for?
What was probably the most nerve racking aspect of the weekend was the time constraints. Because homecoming was so early this year, we had exactly 11 school days from the first day of school to pull together the float, gym banner, parade banner, and dance, in addition to having to create and rehearse our court skit as well as figure out our costumes and dresses for Friday and Saturday. It was a little overwhelming at first, but seeing everything and everyone come together for the festivities truly did make everything worth it beyond belief.
Q: Do you have any advice for next year’s court?
My advice for next year’s court is to truly enjoy every single second of pep rally and homecoming. Make a mental note to remember how incredible it’ll feel to walk through the gym during the assembly, how exhilarating it’ll be performing your skit in front of the entire school, how surreal it’ll seem when you’re riding around in a convertible with your partner during the parade. It all seemingly flies by in the blink of an eye – so make it a point to remember and really immerse yourself in how genuinely phenomenal the entirety of the experience is.