September 18, 2024

Will There Be Changes to the Regents Schedule?

The New York State Regents exams are a tremendously important test taken by all students in various subjects. They cover an entire year of material, and therefore require an entire year for the material to be taught. However, Hurricane Sandy has recently interrupted this yearly pattern. Sandy wiped out ten school days from the year, causing panic within schools. So, will there be changes to the June Regents schedule?

According to the 10th grade administrator Mr. Bongino, there are absolutely no changes to the Regents schedule. He stated, “The Regents schedule will not be changed in any way. With the removal of February Break, all the days lost have been accounted for. Therefore, all students had the ability to be taught everything covered on the exams.” Besides the June Regents, the January and August Regents will be changed due to the budget problems. “There will be modification, as well as reductions to the January and August Regents Exams starting next year. I am not certain as to all of the specifics, but from what I know, there will be a reduction in the availability of the exams throughout the year,” commented Mr. Bongino.

There are many different reactions due to the fact that there are no changes to the June Regents schedule. Students have a generally negative view on this fact. “I think the Regents should have been moved back a little. I think we will be too crammed, and too many people will be absent over the week of the 18th of February,” stated sophomore Paul DeCarlo. Sophomore Dylan Davis shared similar views, “I definitely think it’s unfair. It was not our fault that there was a hurricane, and I feel like they had the power to move it back.”  Many students are also worried that the limitations of the January and August Regents will largely increase the amount of pressure to pass the June Regents as no one will want to wait a year to retake the exams.

On the other hand, many teachers feel that it was a good choice to not move the Regents. “Because of the days given back from the break, all classes should be completely caught up. Everyone has a chance to complete the curriculum. If a student is absent, it is their responsibility to make up the work they missed, as if it was a normal absence,” stated biology teacher Mrs. Archdeacon.  “I think it would be too risky to push back the exams. We would be risking way more absences for the Regents, rather than a few days of school over the break,” commented social studies teacher Ms. Lislevatn. When asked on her feelings about the removal of  some January and August Regents exams, she stated, “I think it is very unfortunate. There are people who struggle with these tests, and now they might have to wait almost a full year to retake them. This is a very troubling and unfortunate matter.”

As of now, there are no changes to the June Regents schedule. Many students are not pleased with this lack of change. Teachers, on the other hand, think the lack of movement is preferable over the alternative.