March 30, 2025

Benson Huang: Winner of The President’s Volunteer Service Award


In the middle of November one of High Schools West’s very own, Benson Huang, won the  President’s Volunteer Service Award. “The president’s council on Service and Civic Participation founded the President’s Volunteer Service Award to recognize the important role of volunteers in America’s strength and national identity” as stated by the Presidential Service Awards website. This award honors many across the nation whose service positively impacts and inspires communities.

Benson Huang received this award by being the chief program coordinator for the Youth Entrepreneurship Finance Association (YEFA). There he facilitated financial literacy and banking seminars for over 10,000 students. During this he contacted UN representatives to obtain status as a UNITAR trained program. This allowed for his organization to be trained by The United Nations Institute for Training and Research to promote Sustainable Investment and Financial decisions in youth. Through these connections and relationships he eventually corresponded with a former Asian American Advisor to the White House. Which eventually nominated me for the award.

For Huang this award meant more than just a title.According to Huang, “I’m honored that I’ve received this award but I think that titles and awards mean less than actions you take to make change for the better. I believe  the relationships I made throughout the journey will be invaluable to my endeavors in the future. 

Congratulations to Benson Huang; High School West is very proud of you.