February 23, 2025

No Shave November is a month in which men can get away without shaving.  However, many don’t realize that the true purpose of No Shave November is to raise awareness for prostate cancer. Participants twist this purpose into a competition over manliness and endurance. The question this challenge imposes is, “Who can last the entire month without shaving?”  This interesting event starts with a complete shave on October 31st and then participates endure the entire month of November without so much as a trim. Those who last shave on December 1st.

Participants interpret the competition differently. Senior Ronnie Spinelli stated, “The competition is for fun. Even though many try and outlast their friends, I feel it’s more of an unspoken competition. I don’t tell my friends I am trying to outlast them, but I still try.”  On the other hand, some feel the only purpose of this challenge is to maintain their no shaving policy longer than their friends. For example, senior Dean Fulgoni said, “I feel that No Shave November is entirely based upon the friendly bets made. I participate because I place a bet with my friends on who can last the longest without shaving. The only real reason I actually don’t shave is because of the bet.”

You can’t truly understand the fun behind No Shave November unless you understand the views of the spectators. Junior Alex Rosenzweig has had a blast by watching others, “I think [No Shave November is] great. Everyone looks ridiculous in an excellent way.” Junior Zach Jayson furthers explained Alex’s view when he commented, “The great thing about this event is that there is no malice. It is pure, good-hearted fun.”  While many share this view of enjoyment, some aren’t as excited about the event.  Sophomore Josh Wende stated, “It is not that I don’t like it, it is just that I don’t understand why people do it. I support prostate cancer awareness, but I think there are easier ways to raise awareness than to look sloppy.”  Sophomore Devin Dubin feels more neutral than others. He commented, “I enjoy it, but I would never participate in it. I don’t think it is a very practical way to express awareness, but I can understand the fun behind it.”

Overall, No Shave November is a time not only for prostate cancer awareness, but for a friendly competition between all men. Opinions of this competition vary from dedication to the challenge to denial of its purpose. However, almost everyone can agree that there is no harm done as everyone can choose to participate in this challenge and in this fun experience.